

Management Board - Steering Committee -

Didactic Board

Baku (Azerbaijan), 2 November 2023


Workshop on Environmental Remediation

Baku, 18-19 September 2023


Intermediate Meeting of Steering Committee Didactic Board Management Board

Rome (Italy) May 29-31, 2023

Baku (Azerbaijan) September 13-16, 2022
Meeting of Steering Committee Didactic Board Management Board
On September 13-16 a General Meeting of ITACA project was held in Baku.
The main points discussed in the meeting were:
- Training Center (TC) operation
- definition of joint research projects
- meeting with stakeholders and their introduction to TC activities 
- definition of the last details related to the Advanced Course on Environmental Remediation and Sustainable Oil and Gas extraction implementation (course schedule, teaching modalities, exam procedure).
- launch of the Advanced Course
- financial issues
- analysis of project GANTT
- proposal to EACEA of a new meeting in Rome on late May, 2023


Conference on Enviromental Remediation 

Granada (Spain) - May 26-27, 2022


WORKSHOP: Problem and Project Based

 Learning Methodology

Aalborg (Denmark) - May 23-24, 2022

Web Meeting Steering Committee 
March 11th , 2022 
A web-meeting of the Steering Committee of ITACA project, was held last March 11th, 2022.
Here the Agenda of the meeting:
1. Update by the Coordinator on administrative and financial issues
2. Presentation by AzUAC, BEU, BHOS, BSU of the first report on research activity 
3. Discussion on research activity progress and EU partners contribution
4. Confirmation of teachers/researchers selected for Training in EU (June 2022)
5. Drafting of the Advanced Course Presentation, to be submitted to the Ministry of Education
6. Update by partners about contact with stakeholders in Azerbaijan
7. Agreements among partner institutions: state of the art and next steps
8. Quality report and related documents
9. Schedule of next meetings and events

The Advisory Board members also participated to the meeting.

Web Meeting Steering Committee and Management Board
January 31st - , 2022 
To approve the structure and the topics of the Advanced Course on Environmental remediation in Azerbaijan as released by the Didactic Board and to discuss a new project workplan, I invite you to participate to a joint web-meeting of the Steering Committee and Management Board of ITACA project, to be held on next:
Monday, January 31st, 2022 at 11:30 (EU time), 12:30 (Greece time), 14:30 (Baku time)
Here the tentative Agenda of the meeting:
1. Course planning and modules content
2. Appointment of Az teachers/researchers training in EU 
3. Report on the Opening Ceremony of the TC
4. Project Workplan and GANTT update
5. Financial check and second pre-financing

January 18th, 2022 
Last January 18th the Opening Ceremony of ITACA Training Center was held at BHOS. (More information to come) 


Intermediate Meeting

Management Board - Steering Committee – Didactic Board

Roma, IT - November 25-26, 2021

Meeting of the Management Board
September 13th, 2021 
On September 13rd, a web-meeting of the Management Board was held.
The following points were discussed:
1. Middle Term reporting and Financial Issues
2. Update on equipment installation
3. Appointment of TC responsible
4. Naming of the TC after prof. M.A. Ramazanov
5. New date of TC Opening event
6. Stakeholders

Meeting of the Didactic Board
July 23rd, 2021 
On July 23rd, a web-meeting of the Didactic Board was held.
The following points were discussed:
1. Tasks of the didactic board
2. WP3 schedule and deadlines
3. Design of the Advanced Course

Meeting of the Management Board
June 25th, 2021 
On next June 25th, a web-meeting of the Management Board was held.
The following points were discussed:
1. Approval of updated workplan and request of extension
2. Update on equipment procurement
3. Decision on next meetings
4. Report approval and new deadline
5. Dissemination plan and activities

Meeting of the Steering Committee with the Advisory Board
June 24th, 2021 
On June 24th, the Steering Committee of ITACA project met the Advisory Board.
The Agenda of the meeting was the following:
1. Project workplan and proposal for physical meetings
2. WP3: Design of the Advanced Course and accreditation follow-up 
3. Stakeholders and sustainability

Bilateral Meeting with Azerbaijanian partners
May 28th, 2021 
On May 28th, a bilateral meeting with Azerbaijanian partners took place:
The following points were discussed:
1. Financial reporting issues
2. Analysis and request of supporting documents
3. Planning of activities and proposal of updated mobility schedule

Meeting of the Advisory Board
May 28th, 2021 
On May 28th, the first meeting of the Advisory Board took place:
The Agenda of the meeting was the following:
1. Contract signature and administrative procedure
2. Task distribution
3. External Advisory Board workplan, meetings and report
4. Request of material for experts evaluation

Meeting of the Steering Committee
April 8th, 2021 
On April 8th at 10:00 (EU time) - 11:00 Greece Time - 12:00 Azerbaijan Time, a web meeting of the Steering Committee was held.
Here the Agenda of the meeting:
1) Introduction of the members of the Advisory Board
2) Introduction of the representative of MoE
3) Course accreditation and suggestions from MoE
4) Updated project GANTT
5) Financial reporting
The meeting lasted 1.5 hours.
All minutes and documents related to the meeting can be found in the reserved area of the website

Appointment of the external Advisory Board
March 1st, 2021  
As a results of the selection following the Call for Application launched last February 1st, 2021, as approved in the web meeting of the Steering Committe of last February 25th, 2021, the following experts have been appointed as a member of ITACA Advisory Board:
• Expert 1 - Prof. Hediyye Khalilova
AZ expert on environmental issues and remediation technologies, internal dissemination of course and events, taking over the specific task of supporting the consortium on sustainability strategy development and implementation; 
• Expert 2 - Prof. Ana M. Garcia Ruiz
EU expert on 3rd cycle of education, in particular in Postgraduate Courses in the field of Environmental Remediation technologies, to provide support on the design of the Advanced Course in such field, to be delivered in the second year of the project;
• Expert 3 - Prof. Angelo Chianese
EU expert with the same task of Expert 2 (support to the design of the Advanced Course), with an additional task related to the monitoring of quality of the course offered during the project, attributed on the basis of previous experiences in CBHE funded and successfully completed projects.

The Advisory Board will be introduced to all project particpants during the Meeting of the Steering Committe of next April 8th 2021.


Meeting of the Steering Committee
February 25th, 2021 
On February 25th at 10:30 (EU time) - 11:30 Greece Time - 13:30 Azerbaijan Time, a web meeting of the Steering Committee was held.
Here the Agenda of the meeting:
1) Update on Signing procedure of Training Center Regulation
2) Budget transfer to Azerbaijani partners - Equipment list approval and tender procedure
3) External Advisors: selection results
4) Contact at MoE and course accreditation
5) Approval and publishing of D 1.2
6) Approval and publishing of D 3.1
7) Updated project GANTT
8) Agreements
9) Involvement of stakeholders
The meeting lasted 1.5 hours.
All minutes and documents related to the meeting can be found in the reserved area of the website

Call for Application - External Advisor
February 1st, 2021
ITACA consortium launch a Call for application to recruit an external advisory board , including three international experts, to support project implementation. 
The following profiles are searched:

Expert 1- Azerbaijanian expert on environmental issues and remediation technologies, internal dissemination of course and events, to support the consortium on sustainability strategy development and implementation;

Expert 2- EU expert on 3rd cycle of education, in particular in Postgraduate Courses in the field of Environmental Remediation technologies, to provide support on the design of the postgraduate course ;

Expert 3- EU expert with the same task of Expert 2 and with an additional task related to the monitoring of project attributed on the basis of previous experiences in CBHE funded and successfully completed projects.

Applications must be submitted to:
The Deadline for application is February 20th, 2021
Download the Call for Application


Meeting of the Management Board and the Steering Committee
January 28th, 2021 
On January 28th at 11:00 (EU time) - 12:00 Greece Time - 14:00 Azerbaijan Time, a web meeting of the Management Board and the Steering Committee was held.
Here the Agenda of the meeting:
1)Signing procedure of Training Center Regulation
2) Budget transfer to Azerbaijani partners - Equipment list approval and tender procedure
3) External Advisors: launch of Call for Application
4) Task assignment among Az partners
5) Approval and publishing of D 1.2
6) Approval and publishing of D 3.1
7) Updated workplan and schedule of Meetings
8) Instructions for drafting the first financial report.
The meeting lasted 2 hours, and included the planning of bilateral meetings between the coordinator and partners. 
All minutes and documents related to the meeting can be found in the reserved area of the website

Meeting of the Steering Committee
December 15th, 2020 
On December 15th at 14:00 (EU time) - 15:00 Greece Time - 17:00 Azerbaijan Time, a web meeting of the Steering Committee was held.
Here the Agenda of the meeting:
1)Approval of Training Center regulation
2)Approval of research projects proposal – D 1.2
3)EACEA and NEO remarks
4)External Advisors
5) Financial and reporting issues
The meeting lasted 2 hours, and included the discussion on the recommendations from NEO. 
All minutes and documents related to the meeting can be found in the reserved area of the website

Meeting of the Steering Committee
December 1st, 2020 
On December 1st at 14:00 (EU time) - 15:00 Greece Time - 17:00 Azerbaijan Time, a web meeting of the Steering Committee was held.
Here the Agenda of the meeting:
1) New project work-plan
2) Approval of Training Center regulation
3) Approval of research projects proposal - D 1.2
4) Financial and reporting issues
5) Planning of next activities
The meeting lasted 2 hours, and included all aspects related to the implementation of Training Center activities.
At the beginning of the meeting, prof. Ramazanov, who passed away last November 25th, was remembered.
All minutes and documents related to the meeting can be found in the reserved area of the website

Monitoring Visit by N.E.O.
22 October 2020

In the context of continuous monitoring of the Erasmus+ programme, on October 22nd, 2020, a monitoring meeting with NEO (Parviz Baghirov and Zafar Hasanov) was held, with the participation of the Grant Holder (Luca Di Palma), and representative of the Azerbaijani partners.
During the meeting, the issues related to project implementation, as well as the main achievements and results, were discussed. An updated workplan was presented, to face the emergency situation in Azerbaijan and Europe.
In the view of a successful progress of the project, NEO also provided suggestions about mobility and training aspects, as well as administrative procedures. 

Meeting of the Management Board
September 9th, 2020 
In the date of 9th September the meeting of the Management Board of ITACA project took place at 14:00 (Az time) - i.e. 12:00 (Italy, Spain, Germany, Denmark time), 13:00 (Greece time) on Google Meet. 
The Agenda of the meeting was the following.
1- Agreements
2- Training Center Regulation (term and conditions)
3- Questionnaire and Zoom meeting with NEO and questionnaire filled-in by the Coordinator
4- Deliverable 12.1
5- Deliverable 1.2: Laboratories research plan
6- Equipment to be purchased with ITACA funds
7- 3rd cycle Course WP3
8- Dissemination plan
9- Analysis of the workplan, upcoming deliverables and activity planning

The regulation of the Training Center Regulation (term and conditions) was discussed, and all partners were invited to propose amendments to the draft of the Regulation to be discussed in a next meeting of Steering Committee.
The following laboratories were approved to operate in the framework of Training Center activity:
• Laboratory of Treatment of contaminated soil by hydrocarbons and heavy metals (LSR). Contact point: BEU. 
• Laboratory on the treatment of the water produced by oil and gas extraction (LWT). Contact point: AzUAC. 
• Laboratory of Oil degradation in seawater and soil (LOD). Contact person: BHOS
• Laboratory of environmental characterization and analyses (LECA). Contact person: BSU
WP3 activities were planned and a dissemination plan was discussed and approved
Given the emergency situation, the request of one year extension of the project was discussed. All WP leaders were invited to contribute to the drafting of a new workplan of the project.

Monitoring Visit by N.E.O.
5 May 2020
 On May 5, an online meeting of partners was held within the framework of the grant project "Innovative Training Center, / İTACA", which supports the new master's level of the 3rd period on environmental emergencies in Azerbaijan, a partnership of AzUAC. The meeting focused on the upcoming issues and how to address them. The online event was attended by Luca Di Palma, Professor of La Sapienza University in Italy, Jesus Gonzalez, Professor of the University of Granada, Spain, Parviz Bagirov, Head of the National Erasmus + Office, as well as other officials. Our university was represented by Professor Fagan Aliyev, Head of the Department of Ecology, and Farhad Aliyev, Head of the Department of Foreign Relations, as well as a teacher of the Department of Ecology.
 It should be noted that the ITACA project, which will cover the period 2019-2022, is coordinated by La Sapienza University of Italy, and involves the participation of Aalborg University of Denmark, Granada University of Spain, Patras University of Greece, Argus Umweltbiotechnologie GmbH of Germany, as well as 4 universities and 2 organizations in Azerbaijan. The project is funded by EACEA in the framework Erasmus + KA2 projects. The project deals with an Advanced Course on the remediation of polluted soil and water by oil and gas extraction activities in the regions of the Caspian Sea, as well as the building up of a new training center active in analysis and wastewater treatment technology.
           The kick-off meeting of the project to be held in Baku in March this year has been postponed due to the current pandemic conditions and the application of the quarantine regime.
From BEU

Kickoff Meeting
Scheduled in Baku 3-5 March 2020
is postponed to a later date

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