A postgraduate 3rd cycle Advanced Course on Environmental Remediation will be designed, based on the EU adopted practice and experiences in the field. The Didactic Board of ITACA project will take over the design of the course. The participation of experts from EU partners with previous experiences in the field of 3rd cycle course teaching and management will ensure project quality. The course will be organized in front end lectures, lab activities, and practical placement, and will deal with ten modules on specific subjects selected by the Didactic Board.
The course, according to Bologna credit system, will be organized with 30 ECTS of front-end lectures and tutorial work. Additional 25 ECTS will be attributed to a practical placement, that is a stage on a practical case study near an industrial or university laboratory where students will work under the supervision of both an academic and an industrial tutor. Finally, 5 credits will be assigned to a thesis written report.
• Expected Course launch: August 2022
• Venue: Baku
• Starting date: September 2022
The call of application will be available by June 2022.